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     Since 2011, our award winning team have proudly given over 5,000 new smiles. Our patients could not be happier with the results and overall experience. We offer exceptional care, ensuring your new teeth are customized to your needs and desires. To testify, have a listen to our previous fantastic patients and see their amazing results!

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"I'm a chef, I love to cook, and if I can't eat, I can't cook... I became very depressed because thats my favorite thing in the world to do... Now I can be back to normal again. They feel so natural... my confidence is boosted... It feels really good, just about smiling."

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"Now I can be like-- yay! Yes, you can see my mouth, you can see my teeth, I am happy. [The team] always brought my anxiety down when I came in. [They] were there, no matter what I wanted, it was like, yes, lets change it if you don't like it. To say that I'm happy is an understatement. I couldn't ask for a better experience."


"I did the implants for the upper arch and crowns on lower arch, now I can bite, chew and smile a bit more. In a way, I enjoy food a bit more than I used to. I'm not used to smiling, but from now I'll try to smile more, cause you know, I got a beautiful smile!"

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"Surgery was good! I gotta tell ya, it wasn't bad at all. Whatever I needed I got.... From the staff, the doctors, and everyone who was involved in this, it was absolutely phenomenal."

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"I had teeth missing, a lot of spaces, and bonding coming off of two teeth. Dr. Shah did a fabulous job. I am so so happy. It was not painful, he was very very gentle. I am coming back to eventually get the bottom done. I recommend them highly. "

Dental Tools in Pocket

Here's What Real Patients Have To Say

Jeff G

Replacing my upper denture with fixed teeth has been a complete game-changer for me. The level of comfort and stability I now experience is unmatched. It feels like having my natural teeth back, allowing me to eat, speak, and smile with absolute confidence and ease. The aesthetic improvement is remarkable too, as my new fixed teeth seamlessly blend in with my natural teeth, creating a beautiful and harmonious smile. The entire process, from consultation to completion, was made seamless by a highly skilled and compassionate dental team who took the time to address my concerns and ensure my comfort throughout. Opting for fixed teeth has truly transformed my quality of life, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking a permanent and hassle-free solution for their upper denture.

Now It's Your Turn

Let's Create Your New Smile

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